7 tips for getting the best out of your client relationships
When it comes to earning a living as a freelancer of any kind, relationships are key. This doesn’t mean having to become friends with clients, but it does mean understanding how you can make the process of working together simple and stress-free.
Over my career in design so far, I’ve discovered some tips and wisdom that have saved me time and hassle, and helped me present myself at my best. Each client is different of course, but hopefully most of it will be helpful to you at some point.Read More
How colour concepts will improve your design work
In a previous article, I discussed the powerful role that colour can play in creating emotionally impactful design. This is something that is particularly important for work in the film industry – where our endeavours are part of a wider emotional experience for the audience.
Due to the popularity of that article, I wanted to revisit the subject of colour – diving in a little deeper and offering up some useful concepts for applying colour to your film poster projects.
Let’s take a look.Read More
The power of negative space in film poster design
Have you ever seen a design where a picture seemed to emerge from, well, nothing? Most likely you were observing a masterful use of negative space.
But what exactly is negative space? The easiest way to describe it is as the empty space between the objects that form a design. But this isn’t quite accurate. In design, no part of the image is ever truly empty. In fact, all good design needs negative space in order for us to make sense of the positive space (the objects or text). Think about the space around this text – if there were no gaps, you wouldn’t be able to read it.Read More
A glimpse into the hidden world of graphic design in film
When I tell people about my work as a graphic designer working in film, most people tend to think of movie posters or maybe titles and credits. But whilst these are a pretty cool part of the work I do, there’s also a whole other world of graphic design in film out there that a lot of people never even think about.
Graphic designers are also a key part of the Art Department on a film, creating everything from newspapers read by characters to fictional or historical product packaging and merchandise to background signage.Read More
Seeing the big picture: An overview on the poster design process
It takes both sides to build a bridge.
This quote jumped out at me recently as the best way to describe the creative work process between a poster designer and a client. The client approaches me with their project and then using our shared knowledge, experience and creativity, we go back and forth until both sides (but most importantly, the client) are happy with the final design.Read More
At first sight: Dive into the art of the movie teaser poster
As films and TV shows compete for our attention on ever-increasing numbers of platforms, advertising has grown more sophisticated as it seeks to grab and keep hold of its audience.
Film marketing campaigns can begin years before the film’s actual release – creating a fevered anticipation of the final product. Key to generating this buzz is the teaser poster.
So what exactly goes into making an effective teaser poster?Read More
Reading between the lines: The art of book cover design
Admit it. You do it too. Yes, you! You judge books by their covers.
Of course, I’m a pretty extreme example. I avoided Terry Pratchett novels for years, put off by their busy illustrations, despite recommendations. Then, a few years back, I see these beautiful hardcover editions – I pick one up – next thing I know, I’m a fan.Read More
It’s beginning to look a lot like…Festive film season
There are few film genres that are as re-watched as Christmas movies. As the nights draw in quicker and the winter wind bites that little bit harder, there can be nothing so tempting as huddling up on the sofa to watch that Christmas classic that just never seems to get old.
But as our appetite for this festive fare seems to be growing – this year there has even been the dedicated 24/7 Christmas channel Sony Movies Christmas launched on Freeview – these films are jostling for a place in our hearts and on our screens.Read More
Brand new day: Six tips for creating a logo that works
Have you ever noticed that you can recognise a business by just looking at its logo? In fact, there are scores of trivia games and even a board game based on our knowledge of this branding.
Sometimes, you may even find you are able to able to guess accurately what type of product or service a business provides – just by looking at their logo. Though they appear simple, logos can be a sophisticated means of communicating your brand identity and image. Read More